
RouletteMethods aims to provide visitors with accurate information regarding online casino gambling. RouletteMethods is not a casino room operator, nor is RouletteMethods a provider of online casino gaming. All content on RouletteMethods is solely for advertising purposes or for providing visitors with information. RouletteMethods is not responsible for any inaccuracies that present themselves within this information and reliance on this information is at the visitors’ own risk.

Before you sign up and start playing at any online casino, make sure that you check all your current laws regarding online gambling. You must ensure you meet all age and other regulatory requirements before entering a casino and placing a wager. Online gambling must be legal in your state and country of residence and you must be of legal age while also paying applicable taxes in your place of residence.
You are responsible for determining if it is legal for you to play any particular game or place any particular wager under the laws of the jurisdiction where you are located.

By playing at any of the casino rooms that we have listed on our website, you confirm that you understand that it is possible to lose some or all of the money that you have wagered. You also confirm that RouletteMethods is not and cannot be held responsible for your actions or for your losses while gambling. Any or all of the losses that are incurred while playing at a casino room that was listed on RouletteMethods is the player's own responsibility and not the responsibility of RouletteMethods or any other person, company, website or supplier that is affiliated with RouletteMethods.

RouletteMethods also cannot guarantee the currency, completeness or accuracy of any content, link, advertising, information or promotion that is placed on the website. This is due to the fact that online casinos are frequently making changes to their rules, regulations and promotions without any prior notice. You are advised then to check with the casino room's website so that any inaccuracy can be avoided.

RouletteMethods makes no warranties of any kind as to the usability and for possible bugs, errors, computer viruses or defects that are present in any software that is provided by third parties or that is provided by RouletteMethods itself. Therefore, RouletteMethods is also not responsible for any damage that this software may cause to your personal computer or other personal device.

E-mail: webmaster@roulettemethods.com